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Writer's pictureRob


Updated: Apr 2, 2024

31st March 2024

We had our brick piers for our gates, built some 15 years ago. The bricklayer had a good eye, they were built neat and straight. Built to last the years.

Over time, ivy, which is native to our country hedges, found a home at the foot of each pier and began to wind and snake around the structures creating interwoven jackets of green atop long hidden, adhesive branches.

We enjoyed the 'softening' of the ivy on these brick structures over the years. It began to take away the harshness of the angular forms - blending the piers into the natural hedges of holly, ivy and hawthorn which grew either side.

Over the last twelve months however, my wife and I began to notice just how much foliage covered the original forms, and where pigeons had taken berries, more of the wiry stems had become visible. The ivy had taken a shape of its own.

Earlier this week, I felt an overwhelming desire to remove the Ivy from each pier. As I began pulling away at the intervoven forms, I realised just how adhesive and clingy the ivy was. I was dismayed at how much of a grip it all had.

I persevered, and just when I was losing the little patience I had, I managed to get some purchase on a corner and pull a large portion of the matted ivy away from the brick. It came away easily and with several more tugs I was able to uncover the pier. So satisfying!

Something strangely made me come alive as this happened. The Spirit began to stir within me. Gardening had suddenly given way to revelation as I sensed God ask "What do you see?".

I looked at the pier before me and contrasted it to the covered pier that was there moments before. I replied. "Definition". What was softened with a green coat was now defined, sharp and angular orange brickwork. Solid.

My first reaction was that I didnt like it. It stood out now. It was stark and ill fitting. The pier was no longer blended with its environment. Suddenly the sun broke through the clouds and began to shine upon the brickwork and its lighter coloured capstone. It was impressive and something inside of me felt a sense of assurance.

I looked at the knitted ivy 'pullover' that I had pulled off. It was lying on the floor. It was remarkable how it had formed and moulded on the pier. I could make out brick shapes in relief where the ivy had found a way and navigated along each striation of the mortar between each course of the brickwork.

I was becoming more and more excited, this was more than just the reward for my perseverance. I asked Father what it was that He was showing me. This was His reply. (Please consider this with prayer and may my voice fall away and His remain.)

"Many have tried to cover up the Gospel of my Son, soften it and make acceptable - my statutes and my word - to make it more palatable. By mixing it with false teachings and the doctrines of demons - it has a vague resemblance to its original form - but only fooling, and giving false comfort to those who conceived of and accepted such deceptions.

The power of my Word and the victory of my Son has been obscured with familiar, acceptable and apporopriate doctrines. However, my purpose and power is not diminished.

I am pulling away this contrived veil and will pull it away quickly, with sharp and decisive tugs! I am restoring the definition of my everlasting Word. It's contrast to the world will be a shock to those who have been dulled by deception."

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. [Matt 24:35]

"To those who have wept and lost much heart at the apostasy of the present age - Rejoice! I am bringing definition and distinction.

This full restoration will demand repentance, and in repentance, I will pour out my Spirit in power. My Power will accompany my Word. There will be a contrast between those who speak words only and those who truly speak for me and show my power to the nations. It will reveal those who "hold on to a form of godlines" but have no real power and those whom I will send.

This time will bring rejoicing for those who have been watching and waiting. It will displace the noise and confusion of the world, revealing my Son, Jesus Christ. He who is Faithful and True!

The definition and distinction of my Word will bring clarity. Clean, pure, refreshing water. Untainted by the words of men and devils. Water to heal, water to truly satisfy those who thirst.

My word will resound and penetrate. Even the echoes of it will be as clear as its first utterence!

This definition in my Word, and in the gospel of my Son, will reveal, as never before, the invitation of the Bridegeoom. It will be shared with conviction and boldness and will penetrate hearts. Unfiltered, unscreened. The heartcry of my son revealed to the lost. Deep to deep.

I will give greater revelation of the true gospel to the saints. I will embolden them with joy, and at the same time, conviction of the urgency of the hour.

I will bestow upon my people a holy and reverend fear - a conviction to share the gospel without compromise, without pandering to that which is perishing. The lost will clearly hear their shepherd's voice.

My beloved, hear me and awaken. Do not despair at what you are seeing in the earth. Seek me in this hour. Awaken and be ready".

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