"... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” [Philippians 1:6]
'Becoming' Blog
The Lambs becoming Lions Blog is written to encourage you whilst on your journey. In our testimony belies great strength, strength to overcome, and we need to share our stories in order to ally with one another. It's time to be real with our hearts, real with one another, and to lay down the masks and pretenses. Be vulnerable, be filled with the Spirit and share the treasure you find in Christ.
The seedbank
Releasing the handbrake #1
Simply being alongside
Sheep Stories #1 - Go in the strength you have
Well what was that all about?
Evicted from your old life
Just a quick nap...
It’s so unfamiliar!
You started by faith...
Keep getting back up
Above the cloudline
Where are the true fathers?
Each others' backs!
Crisis averted?
Its not a time for caution
Back-up is on its way!
Warrior / Restorer