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Sheep Stories #1 - Go in the strength you have

Writer's picture: RobRob

I came to an understanding of the significance of my heart and calling in my late 40's. John Eldredge's books such as 'Wild at Heart' and 'Fathered by God' have played a huge part in encouraging me to accept my position as a son. The books, plus other like-hearted men; have helped me to open up to the goodness of God and the truth that He is engaged in my rescue.

It has birthed in me a longing to see other men set free and open up their hearts to the Father who is deeply invested in them through His son. But am I qualified to intervene? It is this kind of question and subsequent doubt - that causes many to stay put and leave it to the more 'qualified ones'.

Very recently, God reminded me of a commitment I made 15 years ago to pray for an outpouring of His Spirit in our Hamlet. I had drifted from this once held burden for my neighbors. Maybe, in part because so many had moved away over the years. Now I felt that I had to pick it up again and so I began to pray-walk whilst walking the dog around the lanes.

Ten minutes into the walk, a truck pulled up behind me and a gentleman got out. He approached me and asked if I walked this way very often. I replied "no, but I intend to in the coming weeks".

He told me that his son had just rented the field behind, but was unable to prevent some sheep from falling on their backs because he couldnt always get there in time. They had died as a result.

He asked that; if I was walking and saw any sheep on their backs, If I would go in and right them, set them on their feet again.

Now I am sometimes slow on the uptake when God speaks, but it dawned on me that here was a Father asking me to help His Son to rescue His sheep.... Ah I get it now!

I was speaking to a friend over the new-year period, a 70 year old guy with plenty of past adventures in his life. He has led more of a monastic life in recent years but feels that God is challenging him to engage more with other men and make adventures new. I shared my lamb and sheep stories with Him.

He told me that on his recent walks - he had encountered and rescued a number of sheep stuck in the thorny hedges, so much so that now he has taken to walking with seceteurs in his pocket.

Father continues to lead him in this season of new adventures and we are encouraging one another.

The other day he contacted me to say that the local farmers' farm-hand was sick and would my friend like to use his quad if it could help him rescue the sheep.

His message to me went something like this: "I wonder what resources our Father will give us to accelerate the rescue in this season?".

We have an extraordinary God who qualifies us and justifies us even when we are belittled by others or diminished by the accusations within our thoughts.

Be encouraged. Nothing is too late, its only just beginning. In the perspective of eternity, it is all just the beginning. Don't you feel the tug?

"So don’t be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom" [Luke 12:32]

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